Happy Kids, Inc: You Might Be A Blogger If......
Monday, October 27, 2014

You Might Be A Blogger If......

By Meg Hodson

1.  You're awake and blogging at the same time your posts go live.  Yep, most of those posts do go live by bloggers in the wee hours of the morning. And it's true, us bloggers are working hard in those wee hours sometimes.

2. You take a lot of photos where people usually don't. When I whip out my phone to snap a photo at a grocery store or Costco, I am pretty sure I am the only one doing it. Sometimes said photo goes straight to Instagram, some are research for a blog post.

3. Everything needs a hashtag. Not a social media post goes by you without a hashtag. You may even be known for speaking out loud with hashtags. You always know what hashtag brands use. For you, #selfie is not only a hashtag, it's a way of life. 

4. Can I take pictures here? You are quick to ask if you are allowed to take photos in a given place.

5. You have an alarm set on your phone to 2:30 pm. Why? Because that natural, mid-day light is perfect for photographing food and other items for blog posts.

6. You know what the hashtag #HappyMailDay means. You love those days when your mailbox is overflowing with samples. 

7. You're not sure of the exact number of social media profiles you have. You have a pretty good idea, but the exact number.....nobody knows! I might have signed up for StumbleUpon? What is De.li.cious again?

8. Where's the wifi? Although a wifi connection is important for a lot of people these days, it's even more crucial for bloggers. I've got to publish that post! I must tweet! I need to edit a photo in PicMonkey!

9. You've been known to stand on counters. Or lean out windows a little too far. Or set up props in your front yard. All in the name of the perfect photo. 

10. You write.....a lot. Note taking is elevated to a whole new level. You scribble down quotes you hear on t.v.  Any topic that makes your eyes roll might become a blog post. You have a constant need to document.....and you wouldn't have it any other way.

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  1. Lol, so true :). I know I couldn't survive without my tablet and my phone for blogging & definitely need WiFi ;)

  2. This was such an amazing post, everything is so true and I completely agree with you! Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)



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