Happy Kids, Inc: It's The Day After Christmas....And We're Still Celebrating!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's The Day After Christmas....And We're Still Celebrating!

Ahh, it's December 26th.  My living room looks like a toy bomb went off in it.  I am warming up my hands to build Legos.  I am preparing for a Connect 4 tournament.  I've combed Barbie hair, done puzzles, instructed on how to keep your toys organized, and eaten way too much sugar.  It's easy to pause, look at it all, and freak out a little!  I'm trying not too.

One thing I am focusing on is keeping the kids engaged in it "being Christmas".  By that, I mean that Christmas shouldn't really just last one day.  We have all this build-up to the big day....and then everyone is out at 7am the next day buying wrapping paper half off.  Not me.  For me, the 26th is almost like Christmas, part 2.  The kids open the toys they haven't gotten to yet, they read the books they got, I try to relax with a cup of coffee and maybe some flat champagne in mimosas.  Yes, the house is a mess and I've felt like I've been doing dishes for a restaurant, but that's all part of having a family and celebrating Christmas.

I want my kids to feel that we are still celebrating Christmas.  My son came down the stairs last night and couldn't get to sleep because he was bummed Christmas was over.  I told him no way!  He has 2 weeks of vacation still and that we are definitely still going to celebrate!

Enjoy this time with your family and children.  Make those memories last.



  1. Love the Christmas photo! The ones I have seen for the most part are polished, this one got the biggest smile out of me. Why not spread out the Holiday joy!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog via the blog hop. I am now following you back. Sounds like your family had a wonderful Christmas. I know that "bummed" feeling when it's all over, but you seem to be good about making the feeling last for the kiddos. I'm sure they appreciate that!



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