Happy Kids, Inc: You Have Girl Hair
Friday, November 15, 2013

You Have Girl Hair

My son had a play date recently.  They are great friends and were having a good time.  I was catching up on some email when I overheard this utterance from my son's friend:  "You have girl hair."  It wasn't said in an overly teasing way.  It didn't seem mean.  But he felt a need to say it....a couple times.  

I didn't make a big deal about it and confront them.  I did chat with my son later about it.  He didn't completely understand the ramifications of it, nor understood why it was an issue for me.  That's fine.  But it rubs me the wrong way every time this comes up.
It's nothing new for me.  Both my sons have had longer hair since their baby hair grew and grew and grew. They like it, it fits their personalities (whatever that means!), and most importantly, they have awesome, thick hair, so why not have it longer?  Well, the rest of society STILL seems stuck in the dark ages.  Wait! If they were stuck in the dark ages, then there would be men and boys with long hair. But I digress.....

I've gotten the "oh, your daughters are so cute...." when strangers speak to my sons.  Really? What gave it away?  Their adorable pirate shirts?  Their feminine neon-colored Vans shoes?  The mud in their fingernails? They're boys!!  With hair!!

I mean, if hair is good enough for Belle's prince, Axl Rose, and George Washington, I am not sure why it appears to be an issue for my boys (and for that matter, other parents' boys)?  I'm not bitter, just confused. Can't we just put this one to rest?

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  1. People are ridiculous! There hair isn't even THAT long. I have seen way longer on boys. Being a mom is a tough job.

    1. Hey, if this is the WORST thing I have to deal with right now, bring it on!

  2. I wouldn't stress so much! If my boys hair wasn't so curly I'd also let them wear it long! It's good that they are learning to just be themselves and not worry about what other people say!

    1. Yep, stressing to just be yourself is SOOO important!

  3. There will always be someone to disagree with your decisions. Notice YOUR. They are your kids and you do as you please. So what they have long hair. I'm sure someone would criticize if your daughter had short hair. People will always talk. I think the important thing is to teach kids to be themselves and be confident in their decisions!

  4. I get the same thing with my kiddo! "You have a beautiful daughter" meanwhile my son is wearing spiderman shirt with jeans and spiderman shoes and muddyness plus always has cars on him! I dont get why they dont see it

    1. Well, the funny thing is I would expect the same attitude for myself if my daughter's hair was short or if she chose to wear something boyish, like a Spiderman shirt. Can't you tell she's a girl?

  5. My oldest son (he's 11)wears his hair all one length to his shoulders and has for a few years. He likes it like that and I do too. I've always said both my sons have beautiful hair, why would I want to cut it all off? He always gets called "my daughter" or referred to as "her" even though he's totally wearing "boy" clothes. It doesn't bother him because he's so used to it now. We just look at each other when someone does that and then I correct the person and say he's a boy. I'm hoping he will continue to keep his individuality in some way as he gets older.

    I totally get this post. :-)

    1. I absolutely love your comment! Both my boys are the same way. Although younger, their response to "you have girl hair" is something silly like "well, you have snot in your nose!" In other words, it does not bother them. And I will be totally supportive if they want to have their hair longer as their grow older; I prefer it that way.....they have awesome hair!


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