Happy Kids, Inc: Why Thanksgiving Is Like Parenting
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why Thanksgiving Is Like Parenting

By Meg Hodson

1.  You get out of it what you put into it.  The more time and attention we give to our kids, the better they will be, right?  The same holds true for Thanksgiving dinner.  If you go up and beyond, it will show in the food.

2.  Whining.  Well, that's a given with kids.  But when it comes to Thanksgiving, some is always whining either about the turkey or the pies.  "It's too dry..." "There's only dark meat left...." "Who even eats pecan pie?"

3.  Staying up way past your bedtime.  Well, we all know we've had those nights of a late movie with kids or nights where they are restless and can't sleep.  And if you're in charge of preparing Thanksgiving dinner, you are definitely going to be working into the wee hours Wednesday night.  

Why Thanksgiving Is Like Parenting

4.  Fussy eaters.  Wait a second, not everyone loves green bean casserole?  You can't have nuts in your dressing?  Thanksgiving guests can be picky just like your children when it comes to food.  

5.  I think I ate too much.  Ahh, don't you love pizza night when you warn your children to not have another piece because you know they will overstuff themselves?  Well, how is Thanksgiving any different? Well, I suppose we know the overfill is GOING to happen.

6.  I don't want to sit by them.  If you have kids, you've undoubtedly done the "chair shuffle" at movies, restaurants, in the car, on amusement park rides.  Unless you have assigned seating at your Thanksgiving table, it's going to happen here, too.

7.  You like that?  You probably know all the food preferences of both your guests and your children. You know who's a vegetarian, who would rather have their potatoes baked than mashed, what everyone likes to drink.  Yet on Thanksgiving, that all goes out the window.  Your once particular child who would never touch cranberries now loves them.  And your vegetarian friend is suddenly okay with bird stuffing.

8.  Extra Alcohol Might Be Needed.  We've all had those trying days as parents where nothing sounds better than a glass of wine at the end of the day.  If your Thanksgiving is filled with family and friends, the same might be true!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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  1. Haha! Yes to the extra alcohol! Cute post :)

    Katie @ Being Dawson's Mom

  2. There are the positives to this as well my lovely bride. We can be expressing our thanks, which often times these days are not expressed. A time to try new tastes and flavors as well. Again, #1 says it best...you get out of it what you put into it.


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