Happy Kids, Inc: Food Review: Vitaspelt Pretzels
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Food Review: Vitaspelt Pretzels

In a lot of my cooking, I use Vitaspelt flours to reduce or eliminate the need for wheat.  So, they recently sent me some of their other products to try.  One of them was their Spelt Pretzels.  In a word, these are amazing!

I brought them to a gathering of friends.  I had made some homemade guacamole, but didn't have any chips on hand for them.  So, I thought I would try the pretzels with them.  Turns out, it was a really good combination.  They were also great straight out of the bag.

They will also come in very handy at snack time for my kids.  In general, I try to avoid processed carbs at snack time (i.e., Goldfish crackers, etc.).  But with their fruit slices or veggies, they love something to crunch on.  These will be perfect.

Disclaimer: I received free product samples from Vitaspelt.  I was not paid or endorsed to write a positive review.  This is my own personal opinion on this product.  I am not receiving any compensation from Vitaspelt.


  1. Happy New Year!I love your blog. I found you through Aloha Blog Hop. Stop by and say hi if you get a minute. :)

  2. Oh I do so love a good pretzel. yum.

    I made it my silly little goal to stop by to follow and say "hey" to every mom on the Bloggy Mom December link up. It's a bit insane but I'm glad to have discovered many a sweet blog. We are such an amazing resource, we moms.

    If you'd like we're gathering for An Aloha Affair , a sweet sharing of joy and a meaningful sort of growing together. Come grow with us.

    Happy New Year to You and Yours.

  3. Thanks for the review! New follower here, found you through the Aloha hop. Would love a visit from you over at Moms Surviving Kids!
    Megan@ www.momssurvivingkids.com


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