Happy Kids, Inc: "Mom's" School Supply List
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Mom's" School Supply List

By Meg Hodson

Why should the kids have all the fun?  In no particular order, here is my (somewhat dreamy) back to school supply list:
1. Keurig Coffee Maker.  My current coffee maker is slowing on the demise.  It's lived a good life.  But one thing it is not doing well anymore is brewing extremely hot coffee.  That's one thing that I love about the Keurig....the coffee is hot!  And Mom is gonna need coffee to get through our busy back-to-school schedule.

2.  Food Dehydrator.  As many of you know from my blog, I do a lot of "from scratch" recipes and fix healthy meals.  A lot of the snack items my kids love are easy to make in a dehydrator:  dried fruits, healthy chips, and more.  It's a spendy device, but I truly feel I could pay myself back and then some by using it and not buying store products. It would be the perfect back-to-school supply for school lunches!

3.  iPad.  Yes, I don't own an iPad (yet).  My kids use them a lot at school.  I think it would be ideal to have not only for educational apps, but to easily keep up on my business and blogging when I am running errands, visiting my Mom, or travelling.

4.  Trip To Ikea.  I don't ask much.  Maybe just some new office furniture, a few new lamps, and chest of drawers to organize my kids school & art supplies at home.

5.  Membership To A Wine-Of-The-Month Club.  Enough said.

6.  Personal Trainer.  I need a kick start and this would be the perfect remedy.

7.  Opening Night Viewing of The New One Direction Movie.  Oh wait, I'm doing that already!

8.  A Personal Assistant.  I seriously am Super Mom, but sometimes, even I get frazzled.

If you like what you're reading, I invite you to follow my blog.  Cheers!
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  1. The coffee-maker, ditto! I hardly have a cup of hot coffee these days!

  2. One Direction? Really? Ugh. Camryn, Courtney's daughter, is in love with Harry.

    1. My 9 year old daughter loves Harry, too. She is also a dancer and LOVES choreographing routines in our kitchen to their music. We've had this Friday on the calendar for months. Hey, I loved boy bands when I was young, so it's kinda fun seeing her enjoy it, too. ;)

    2. Ha, I just realized it was you, Ken, after I posted the reply! :)

  3. Oh Meg, I totally agree with you on Wine of the Month Club! What a joy! also, don't feel bad, I also don't own a iPad yet! Hoping to get one soon!

    1. Thanks, Ida. If I do get an iPad, I will have to hide it from the kiddos!

  4. I caved and bought a Keurig a few weeks ago. I'm not sorry. It's so easy to use and delicious too!

    I've had a personal trainer. Trust me...you don't want on. :-)

    1. Haha, thanks Lisa. I really think I can stay more motivated by playing Jillian Michaels over and over. ;) And now I want a Keurig even more!


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