Happy Kids, Inc: Recital 2013
Monday, July 1, 2013

Recital 2013

My 9 year old daughter and 7 year old son just finished recital week.  Multiple rehearsals, 4 performances in 3 days, a LOT of work for Mom (!)....but it was all worth it!  They had a blast and I enjoyed watching the performances. 

To be honest, I try to be fairly objective when I watch my child's performances with a little bit of obligatory parental honor.  But seriously, these kids are g-o-o-d!  In particular, my daughter has a real passion for the art of dance and it couldn't make me happier.  

When I had children, I was not determined to make them excel in anything in particular....just as long as they found something that they would be dedicated to and had passion about.  My daughter has in dance; my son might have a year or two before he makes up his mind completely. But I am confident her will get there, too.

My favorite part was today.  The kids slept in  and one of the first things my daughter did was roll into a dance party in our kitchen. "Planning for next year's recital?" I asked. To which she answered with a grin and a wink.  

If you like what you're reading, I invite you to follow my blog.  Cheers!
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  1. It is really exciting to see your children develop a passion for something. I was at a school conference and the teacher commented that my son was passionate about so many things. She remarked that this was amazing because some kids make it all the way through school and never find their passion. That one comment made me determined to not take my kids for granted and to keep encouraging them in any and all of their interests. Your dancers are beautiful and..........handsome.


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