Happy Kids, Inc: DIY Crayon Pencil Holder For Teachers
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

DIY Crayon Pencil Holder For Teachers

I actually made this project about 2 years ago, way before crayon projects and Pinterest.  One thing I have a lot of around the house are crayons, tin cans, and ribbon (care of my wedding business).  What I like about this one that sets it apart is using a large size can and the addition of the satin ribbon.  My kids teachers' absolutely loved them!

Here's what you'll need:

1 large tin can (rinsed, cleaned, dried)
Crayons (I used new ones and bought a 48 count box)
1.5 inch wide satin ribbon, about 1 1/2 feet long (I used a bright orange....craft stores usually sell this by the yard, so you don't have to commit to a full roll)
Hot glue gun
Crayon Pencil Holder for teachers
Copyright: Happy Kids, Inc
1.  Apply a zig zag strip of hot glue across the top of your tin can.  Carefully wrap and press the satin ribbon around the top of the can and tie in a bow.  
2. Place a thin strip of hot glue on the back side of each crayon and align straight around the can. Alternate amongst all colors, or if you bought enough crayons, you can re-create a rainbow!
3.  Have your child use a Sharpie and write a short note (or just sign their name and the date) to the bottom of the can.

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  1. This would be a great teacher's gift for the end of the school year. So thanks for sharing!! :)

  2. Oh it's simply lovely. Now let me wait for the teacher's day and it will be made ;)

  3. Such a great gift for teachers! Thanks for sharing!


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