Happy Kids, Inc: Must Have Blog Resource: Hashtags
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Must Have Blog Resource: Hashtags

You probably hear this term almost everyday if you are an active blogger or on social media daily.  Hash tag! Most of us are familiar enough with the basic function of hash tags.  Think of hash tags as search topics for the message or article you are posting.  But how can you use them to the best of your advantage to promote your blog?  Here are some basic guidelines.

1.  Hash Tags Aren't Just For Twitter.  Twitter revolutionized the use of hash tags.  But almost all social media outlets (Facebook is the exception) support and use hashtags.  So, when you are using Instagram, Google Plus, and other social media, don't forget your hash tags!  Hash tags increase your presence on social media and get you noticed.  So, don't forget to use them.  Furthermore, hash tags can also be used on blogging network sites, like Blog Her.  When you are prompted to enter a "tag", you can add a hash tag to the topics you are inputting.

2.  Hash Tags Help You Network.  Hashtags are a great way to search topics you might be interested in or bloggers you may want to network with.  For example, in the "Discover" tab of Twitter, you could enter a hashtag like #momblogger or #kids and see what comes up. You might discover bloggers you want to network with or topics to read about.  

3.  Hash Tags Increase Your Social Media Presence.  People will find you easier if you use hash tags.  Users on social media regularly search certain key hash tag phrases.  Some even auto-follow or like when certain hash tags are used.  Don't miss out on such an opportunity to be seen by users who would otherwise not know you exist.  

4.  Use The Same Hash Tags Regularly.  While it's fun to have hash tags that contribute humor to what you are posting (i.e., #ineverknewathingabouthashtags), it's important to use hash tags over and over, as well as ones that are common to your genre.  For example, beauty bloggers regularly use #bblogger in their posts.     Such use not only builds a following, but they also get picked up by search engines.  If you are unsure what a given hash tag stands for, you can always Google it to find out it's meaning.  

5.  Learn Hash Tag Days For Your Industry and Contribute Regularly.  Hash tag trends are occurring all the time.  Everyday of the week, it seems like there are hash tags that go along with that day.  #MM (Mention Monday), #WW (Wordless Wednesday or Wedding Wednesday), #TBT (Throwback Thursday), and #FF (Follow Friday) are just a few, but they are big ones.  Have fun with these!  Put the spotlight on your favorite blogging friends or sponsors.  Highlight an old blog post or photo for Throwback Thursday.  

If you like what you're reading, I invite you to follow my blog.  Cheers!
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  1. I have found hashtags work great on Pinterest too. Even Facebook is getting on the #hashtag bandwagon. Excellent tips!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Forgot to mention Pinterest, one of my fave sites.

  2. Cool! thanks for sharing

    Claudia @ www.prettylittledahlia.com

  3. This is a very informative post & what a lovely blog you have here! As one of the co-hosts from the My Favorite Posts Weekend SHOW OFF Party! I wanted to personally thank you for linking up with us & to invite you to add me to your G+ circles or follow me on Twitter or Facebook as I’ve done the same with you. I'm on my way to check out your button swap too! Also, I run a link party on my food blog, Anyonita Nibbles where you can link up recipes or food related posts. This week’s party is here: http://www.anyonitanibbles.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/tasty-tuesdays-10.html

  4. Great information. I don't really use Twitter and I didn't totally understand what the hash tags were for. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from the blog hop. Have fabulous day!

  5. This is great! Adding it to my blog how to's pin board! BTW, I re sent the email I sent you yesterday. Please double check your spam folder! it will come from dysfunction junction.
    Thanks Meg!
    Dysfunction Junction

  6. I found this post really interesting. Now I may be a bit clueless but I am going to ask anyway. Is there a site or article that anyone knows of that has a list of commonly used hashtags for specific things? I have heard of a site that you can put in a subject and it will generate a hashtag but for the life of me I can't remember the name.

  7. Great tips! Love your blog :) I #### like crazy. I am going to #TBT right now!

  8. Good Info. While reading your post I realized how much more I should be using hash tags!
    I just found your blog via the linkin up with ladies
    Glad we were able to connect!
    AImee @ Captivating Corner Blog

  9. Well written post .I appreciates your writing skills. It’s great. You have made really a great job by sharing this post with us. I like this & would like to read your more updates. Keep in touch with us in future too.


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