Happy Kids, Inc: A Day In The Life Of....Me!
Monday, April 1, 2013

A Day In The Life Of....Me!

I am sure this is not the first personal profile article you have read by a blogger, showing a glimpse into their life.  But today's post is unique because you will not only get a glimpse into a day in my little world, but I've teamed up with some of my favorite bloggers who are Mom's, too!  It's a collective effort by this group to give you a diorama, so to speak, of all of us.  

So, what contributes to my day-to-day life?  I am a wife.  I am a mother to three young children:  Emma (9), Dylan (7), and Owen (4).  I run a wholesale wedding favor business (Wedding Belle Favors).  I am a Mom blogger.  Oh, and I try to squeeze in some "me" time, too.  

My typical weekday starts between 5-6 am.  This, of course, depends on how much sleep deprived I am from the day before!  The morning hopefully starts with a workout (if I don't get it done then, it probably won't happen).  Then it's coffee and checking email for my wedding business, addressing urgent matters and getting orders lined up for the day.  I am CEO and worker; I used to have employees, but have made the choice to try to do it all to save money for my business.  I do occasionally use former employees for special projects as need be, but otherwise, it's just me!  If time allows and the children are still sleeping, I usually try to cover my social media networking in the morning (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram).  I also work on making sure recent blog posts have been shared properly.  

The children are up by 7:30 am or so.  My gears shift to breakfast, packing lunches, getting them dressed and out the door for school.  My youngest only does pre-school 2 days/week, so that shapes the school day.  

When Owen is in pre-school, I use that time exclusively for the wedding business, preparing and shipping orders.  When he is not in school, I use an hour of Sesame Street in the morning for the most urgent orders or matters with the wedding business.  Then, my time is completely focused on him (story time, workbooks, playing outside, etc.).  All the while, I do have to occasionally check email and "keep up on things" during the day.  

The afternoon is focused on picking up my other two children, snacks, soccer, dance, and homework.  While they snack or there's a little down time (not much!), I finish up a little invoicing and end of day items for the orders shipping that day.  

Evening involves the expected activities of dinner, bath time, and bed.  But my night is far from over!  There might be loose ends to tie up for the wedding business from that day, ordering to be done, etc.  Then, it's blog time!  This is my main time to write articles, network, line up posts, and more.  Sometimes I like to work really late and get most of my articles written and lined up for the week.  Sometimes (like tonight!), I just want to get the bare minimum done and relax.  Even when the laptop finally gets turned off, I still need a little chill time with a favorite show or book.  

My husband is a HUGE help and helps cover me on the weekends when I need extra time to write or prepare wedding orders.  

The one thing I struggle with is carving out time for myself.  Sometimes, a hot shower is enough.  But other times, I look at my children and am crazy in love with them, but often have that trapped feeling of being tied to them at home.  I love being a Mom and doing what I love in terms of a career.  Being able to do this from home does offer flexibility.  But everyone once in awhile, I miss my freedome (just a teensy bit).  That being said, I wouldn't trade the choices I've made or becoming a Mom for anything.  

I invite you to visit my fellow blogging friends today and read their stories!

Brenda with Brenda's Wedding Blog
Demaris with LeMagnifique Blog 
Jen with Oh So Glam Blog
Heather with Style Unveiled
Kylie with Made by a Princess Blog Maddy with Somewhere Splendid
Chelsey with Chelsey Emery Design Blog

If you like what you're reading, I invite you to follow my blog.  Cheers!


  1. So happy to be sharing our Day in the Life together today! Carving out mom time is the hardest part of all.

    1. Agreed! Headed to all the other blogs now to read all the fun articles.

  2. I love this post. It's nice to get a real-life update every once in awhile, it really helps readers (like myself) connect better I think.

    If you could squeeze anytime in your busy schedule, I'm working on creating a "Weekend Update" blog-hop and would love for you to co-host. Feel free to shoot me an email if you're interested =)


  3. You have some busy days! Hope you can get a chance to breathe today :)

    1. Haha, thanks! I wish, but I am setting up a small retail booth this week for my wedding business this week and I am amazed at how long the process of pricing everything takes. It's gonna be a late night. ;)

  4. I feel overwhelmed some days with everyday stuff and we don't have kids yet! I wonder if life *ever* slows, lol.

    1. Nichole, As I wrote this, I was trying to remember life when my husband and I were first married with no kids, as well as life being single, working 2 jobs, and the early planning of my business. I think the hectic-ness is always there, it's more that responsibility and attachness to these new little beings in your life that, for me, makes it even more hectic and changes how you define yourself.

  5. I'm loving being a part of sharing our day with everyone. It's so fun to read and see how others juggle it all. I'm getting tips from each post that I hope to implement into my own schedule - including some "me" time :)

  6. Loved hearing about your day in a life and you should link this up with us on Friday at FTSF (this is the sentence to finish this week!!).

  7. Thanks for the glimpse into your life. You definitely have a lot on your plate as a mom and a business owner, but you seem to juggle it all well! Good job!


  8. Love these kinds of posts - reminds us that we all are really going through the same things and face the same challenges wherever we are in the world :)

  9. Thanks for sharing a day in your life. It s great when we Mothers can share so we don't feel like the only ones with these crazy lives.

  10. Hi
    Thanks for the awesome hop.


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