Happy Kids, Inc: Oscar Weekend 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oscar Weekend 2013

Hey readers!  I teased you earlier today on Twitter and Instagram about all the fun things that were happening this weekend on the blog.  It's a little late here on the West Coast, so some of you won't read this until the morning.  But don't worry, you won't be missing out on a thing!  

I have a series of fun articles and activities planned for this weekend.  I love the Oscars and I love blogging.  So, I decided to bring the two together.  Below is a list of what will be going on.

1.  Blog Post:  Celebrity Moms at the Oscars.  I'm a big celebrity nut, and I especially love following my favorite celebrity Mom's.  I compiled a list of some of my favorites and their appearances at the Oscars.  You'll see that post Friday morning.

2.  Cutie Cocktails.  No Oscar party is complete without some delicious cocktails.  My ongoing "Mama Needs A Martini" series continues with a twist Friday night.  I am featuring a martini and a champagne cocktail made with the ever-popular "Cutie" mandarin oranges.  I don't know about you, but my kids love them, and we have a ton around right now.  So, mama is going to enjoy them, too. ;)

3.  Oscar Hop 2013.  I'm not even sure if it's been done before, but I thought why not, let's have a blog hop in honor of the awards!  Everyone is invited.  You don't have to blog (simply link up your Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest profile).  You don't have to have an Oscar-specific post on your blog (just link up your main page).  The idea is for everyone to get to know fellow fans of Oscar!  The hop will go live at midnight Friday night (so technically the 23rd at 12:01 am).  I will give lots of tweets and updates regarding it's launch, so if you forget, no worries.  Just be sure you are following so you don't miss out.  The hop will only last until Monday night, so it's important to link in early.

4.  Twitter and Instagram Party.  During both the red carpet coverage before the show, as well as during the show, I will be holding a party on both Twitter and Instagram.  The hashtag will be #oscarhop.  So, take a pic of your t.v. screen and post it on Instagram.  Voice off with a tweet about something worn by your favorite actress.  Anything goes really.  I'll post a separate post reminder on Sunday, as well as social media reminders leading up to the red carpet.  If you're new to Twitter and Instagram parties, don't worry!  It's very easy and I will be sure to leave detailed instructions in a separate post on Sunday.

If you like what you're reading, I invite you to follow my blog.  


  1. What a fun idea! I never really got into the Oscars until last year, when I was working at a small movie theater that hosts a big Oscar party! It's all we've been thinking about for a couple weeks now. It means I have to watch the Oscars tivo'd sunday night, but working the party is so much fun. I'll definitely be joining in on your hop!!

    1. Great! It will be live just after midnight, Friday (into Saturday) night. ;)


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