Happy Kids, Inc: Sharing Super Moments With Del Monte Fruit Fusions
Friday, September 4, 2015

Sharing Super Moments With Del Monte Fruit Fusions

By Meg Hodson

I was compensated for this post in exchange for sampling Del Monte Fusions and providing my feedback. All opinions remain 100% my own.

Back-to-school is one of my favorite times of years with my children. They are excited to get back. I love to meet their new teachers and see what excitement is on the horizon for them in the coming year. 

I also love the structure that school brings. I thrive on juggling school, lunch boxes, and after school activities. And the kids thrive, too. Being more active, I think, makes them sleep better. 

These are special moments. I cherish them. I work out of the home now so a simple activity like walking my children to school is monumental; it truly is a super moment. 

Del Monte Fruit Fusions #ShareTheMoment Sweepstakes

Although our family has a very full schedule, it is extremely important to me that my children are eating as healthy as they can. Good, clean, real food. That can be a challenge when organizing three school lunches. 

Del Monte Fruit Fusions #ShareTheMoment Sweepstakes

While I don't like to rely on convenience food too much, there are some healthy choices out there that can make a balanced school lunch easier. I am loving the new Del Monte Fruit Fusions. They are actually a blend of vegetables and fruit in convenient cups that are perfect for school lunches and snack time. Each cup offers a combined 1 serving of fruit and vegetables. They are a quick and easy way for your kids to get the nourishment they need.

Del Monte Fruit Fusions #ShareTheMoment Sweepstakes

Even better, Del Monte is hosting a great sweepstakes where they are inviting their fans to #ShareTheSuper on Twitter and Instagram. Capture a great #ShareTheSuper moment with your kids for a chance at some great prizes. Hey, who couldn't use $2000? Or a limited edition backpack? A year supply of Del Monte Fruit Fusions? Click here for more details.

Let me know in the comments below how you #ShareTheSuper with your kids!

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