Happy Kids, Inc: 10 Ways To Make Pancakes Extra Healthy
Saturday, September 14, 2013

10 Ways To Make Pancakes Extra Healthy

Our house loves pancakes!  We fix them a couple times a week for breakfast and occasionally for dinner.  I usually make them from scratch, but occasionally I do buy a healthy mix, like from Bob's Red Mill.  Whether you are using a mix or from scratch, it's very easy to add healthful ingredients to make your pancakes pack some serious nutritional punch.  

I've come up with 10 easy ways to quickly add healthy components to your flapjacks:

1.  Add Yogurt.  An additional 1/2 cup adds a creamy texture and calcium boost to your pancakes.  I sometimes use this in lieu of eggs.

2.  Add Fruit.  Blueberries is the obvious choice, but I actually like blending fruit into my pancakes.  Add 1 cup of smashed bananas, pumpkin puree, cooked sweet potatoes, applesauce, or finely diced apples.

3.  Add Milk.  Even if the recipe calls for water, use milk instead.  I often use milk alternatives, like coconut milk, almond milk, oat milk, or hazelnut milk.

4.  Add Flax Seed.  Rich in Omega-3's and fiber, a few tablespoons adds a nice, slightly nutty taste and texture.

5.  Add Chia Seeds.  Rich in Omega-6's, protein, and calcium, these powerful seeds are a great addition.

6.  Add Nut Butters.  Use as a spread on top.  Or, if you have a creamy variety of peanut, almond, or cashew butter, add 1/4-1/2 cup and blend very well with your pancake mixture. 

7.  Add Oatmeal.  Add 1/3 cup quick cook barley or traditional oatmeal for a heartier pancake.

8.  Add Coconut Oil.  This powerhouse oil, rich in healthy fats, will not add an overwhelming coconut taste to your pancakes.  Use 1-2 tablespoons, melted. 

9.  Add honey, maple syrup, or date sugar.  If you like to pre-sweeten your pancakes, opt for sugars that are richer in vitamins. 

10.  Add Dark Chocolate.  Yes, a little chocolate is good for you!  Add 2 tablespoons of a dark chocolate cocoa powder or syrup.  

I have found that pancakes cook best at  350 degrees on a skillet for 3-4 minutes per side.  Have fun & enjoy!

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  1. We too love pancakes and will so have to remember these tips!!! Thanks :)

  2. Great tips thanks! I love making pancakes. : )

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

  3. Mouth watering!! What fabulous ideas {pumpkin puree pancakes?! Yes please!}

    xo Rachael
    a runaway muse

    1. Rachael,
      The pumpkin version is probably one of my favorites. This time of year, you sometimes can find sweet potato purees more easily and that's a great add on, too. ;)

  4. Healthier pancakes for the family? That's a sure win!

    Thank you for linking this post at the Weekend Show Off Blog Party!


    1. It most definitely is a win-win!

      I will drop by shortly.

  5. I adore pancakes but they're not included in my new healthy eating plan. But you've convinced me I just may be able to make changes to incorporate pancakes again. Thanks for linking up at My Favorite Posts Show Off Weekend Party! Hope to see you again next week.

    Michelle @ On A Wing And A Prayer

    1. I hope so, Michelle! With all the alternative flours out there, healthy oils, non-dairy milks, etc., you can really make pancakes packed with nutrition! What kind of special diet are you on?

  6. These are excellent tips! I'll try one of them this weekend. =0)


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