Happy Kids, Inc: But Honey, I LOVE The Color!
Monday, July 8, 2013

But Honey, I LOVE The Color!

I'm a color junkie (for hair, that is).  If it wasn't so expensive, I'd probably be at the salon every 3-4 weeks.  But I've found a good colorist at a good price and she will do "touch ups" at a good price, too.  

I usually go a little blonder when the summer months arrive.  I've gotten compliments that it works well with my coloring.  But whoa, I get home and the husband is like "wow".  I say "wow, like 'good'" or "wow, like 'not so good'". He replies with "I like my brunettes....".  

Now, I know my husband loves me, no doubt.  Generally, I do embrace the chocolate brown with red highlights look.  But do I feel pressured to change my look based on my husband's reaction?  No (for the most part).  A small part of me wants him to just  l-o-v-e  my color.  But I also know deep down it's not a deal breaker for him.  

So, I need your feedback.  Do you cater your hair color to suit the likes of your boyfriend or husband?  Do you do whatever you want without consideration of anyone's opinion?  Do you try to find the happy medium between what you like and what your partner likes?  I want to know!

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  1. I actually tried a while back to go a bit darker and closer to my natural brunette color. My husband didn't like it and found it wasn't really cutting it for me either. So it was a win-win when I went back to being closer to a blonde, because I liked it and made my hubby happy, too!!

  2. We're both honest about it but don't feel obligated to change based on what the other prefers. My husband prefers my hair shoulder length but I often wear it longer, and I prefer his with an inch or two on top but he shaves it all off when he has a big running event coming up. Hair is such an easy thing to change and when you're with someone for life, it seems silly to feel like you need to stick with their favorite style all the time...unless it's something they REALLY hate! Luckily, I haven't run into that issue yet, lol

    1. I agree. My husband has his preferences, but it's certainly not a deal breaker and new, fun colors tend to "grow" on him, too.

  3. I'll keep my hair long for my hubby, although I have twin babies ripping it out by the handful each day. But the color? My choice, sorry hubs. I figure more money goes into good color than it does a good cut, so I pick the color :)

  4. I've always been pretty spontaneous when it comes to my hair color. When I first met my boyfriend 3 years ago, I had dark brown hair, well a couple weeks later I had my hair dyed a strawberry blonde for a fashion show I was in. He was shocked, but in a good way :) We've been together ever since. Pretty much the only thing that restricts my hair color now is our budget :)


  5. I just dyed my hair tonight!! I love colouring my hair, and I don't care what anyone thinks. I mean, it's nice if others enjoy it. But I always do it for myself.

  6. My husband has no worries when it comes to my hair color. Of course I haven't really changed it much since we've been married. Usually it is in a golden blonde or light brown color. He does prefer it long, but even that is something that he leaves up to me with no grousing. I had longish hair when we were dating and when we got married and at some point I did a reverse wedge, but it is long again now. Now back in college and in my 20s my color changed all the time. I colored it every color from black and platinum blonde to green and pink (no chalking back then). :) I'm dropping by and a new follower via BlogLovin and google+ from the Thursday hop. Hope you can visit.

  7. I just dyed mine red because my husband loves red hair and I've always just been chocolate brown. Can't decide if I love it or hate it--not brave enough to go all the way blonde! Found you through Linkin with my Ladies

  8. I do whatever I want with my hair, unless the hairdresser says it will look awful. His opinion matters.

    Heidi’s Wanderings


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