Happy Kids, Inc: I May Not Have My Bra On....But The Bed Is Made!
Monday, March 25, 2013

I May Not Have My Bra On....But The Bed Is Made!

This is gonna be one of those slightly comical, wake-you-up-from-your-weekend-slumber posts. 

 In my day to day activities, ideas for blog posts sometimes strike me at the strangest times.  I think this one struck me on an extra busy and hectic school morning, trying to get three kids ready for school, lunches packed, breakfast prepared, and all that goes into that.  One thing I have always been a stickler on is the last person up makes the bed.  For me, even though the rest of the house may be in shambles with clothes hanging everywhere and dusting to be done, at least a well-made bed puts things into somewhat of a presentable and manageable order.  

Most mornings, my husband is the last one out of bed.  I often am up very early attending to my wedding business, a little quiet time before the kids wake up, or catching up on email.  The morning goes on and it isn't until I am scrambling around for last minute items that I notice it.....THE BED IS NOT MADE!  I've got about 2 minutes until I have to be out the door.  

My intention when I came up the stairs was to finish getting dressed, change my shirt, and, well, put my bra on.  I am faced with a pretty major decision......BED OR BRA?!.  What did I choose?  Well, in this case, I chose bed!  I quickly put on a hoodie, zipped it up completely, and felt completely confident going through the drive through lane at the grade school and quickly dropping off my youngest at pre-school.

When I got home, I changed into my workout clothes (with my sports bra) and went for a run.

If you like what you're reading, I invite you to follow my blog.  Cheers!


  1. You title sounds like the story of my life. Seriously my mom always would say that the bed should be at least made daily, so I still do it no matter what!!

  2. This is so funny, but I can totally relate. I cannot leave my house or even continue my day if the bed isn't made. To me it brings some order to the universe!!

  3. Hi Meg

    This is the perfect Monday morning story - love it! For me, I absolutely cannot go out in the morning until the kitchen is cleaned and the floors are swept!

    Enjoy the rest of your Monday.

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

    1. A close second to the bed made are dirty dishes in the sink; if the kitchen is not at least in some sort of decent order, to me the whole house seems chaotic! Good, I thought this headline on a Monday would be perfect. ;)

  4. If there is one thing I must do every single day, it is make the bed. It makes me happy and it brings some sort of order to all the chaos.

  5. Bahaha!! AWESOME!! My mom raised all of us to make our beds - I'm lucky to throw the sheets up! I am too well "endowed" to not wear a bra. Bra wins for me!!

  6. I can't stand an unmade bed, so I completely understand!! Although, I am not as confident going braless!!!

  7. LOL, I saw your post title on Bloglovin and had to drop in to read it! LOL, I'm the same, but my delimma usually is "bra or breakfast". Since I love to eat, I usually pick breakfast or bra each time I have to drop my brother off at school in the morning. Hee-he

    The Decor Chronicles


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